'Normal Area' Map
Go to the updated Research Resources post to see the map of the 'Normal Area' for Combs School.
Our campaign has succeeded in its aim of preventing Derbyshire County Council from closing Combs Infant School. We are determined to provide a secure long-term future for the school, with even deeper links into our community activity.
Go to the updated Research Resources post to see the map of the 'Normal Area' for Combs School.
Posted at 12:26
Labels: Research Resources
From today's Buxton Advertiser:
YOUNGSTERS at the closure-threatened Combs Infants School have helped raise over £500 for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Six pupils took part in a sponsored walk around Fernilee Reservoir, organised by one of the parents, and raised £574.Teacher Judy Irwin said: "For them to do that is just fantastic, especially as it took place out of school hours. We think they have done brilliantly.
"The school now hopes this will become an annual event for such a worthwhile cause."
Posted at 09:30 0 Comments (Click here to add yours)
Labels: News Coverage
Mike Evanson from the Village Hall Trust and three parents from Combs School attended the General Council Meeting at Matlock this afternoon to put the following question to Councillor Alan Charles, Cabinet Member for Education, on behalf of the campaign.
'Since the consultation process began in May, we have sought to explain the strong community support for the School, Village Hall and Chapel. We have shown in meetings with the Council and others (to be supported by the submissions that we will make to Council) that the objectives of the Council to reduce surplus school places and improve educational standards will not be achieved by the Council's proposal. Has this strong evidence and support for the continuance of Combs School, Village Hall and Chapel already suggested to the Council that the proposal for closure should be set aside?'
After Councillor Charles’ response, a supplementary question was allowed, again put by Mike Evanson on behalf of the campaign:
'Various political representatives who have had greater exposure to the evidence have already concluded that there is a very strong case for Combs School not to be closed. The Council may be aware of the approach made by Tom Levitt to question the proposal, the unanimous support of the Parish Council for our area, and the messages of support that have been sent by present High Peak and County Councillors. This complements a unified and determined community response, which is characteristic of the spirit of Combs in present and past times. To quote a councillor from Chapel-en-le-Frith: 'When I went to the consultation meeting, based on the evidence presented by DCC, I thought there was a clear case for closure of the school. Having heard the arguments put forth by the whole community - parents, governors and villagers - I left with a completely changed mind.' Since the continuation of this consultation process will continue to destablilise a valuable resource, and not achieve the Council's objectives, in whose interests is it to let it continue?'
Councillor Barrie Taylor (Lib Dem – Whaley Bridge and Blackbrook) spoke later in the meeting regarding the closure of Combs in the context of Surplus Places and related Primary School Closures and concluding that closing Combs would not meet any of the objectives originally set out in DCC’s Proposed Closures document.
Councillor Tracy Critchlow (Conservative – Chapel and Hope Valley) stated that she was totally against the closure and that perhaps the Cabinet would have given the school the courtesy of spelling ‘Combs’ correctly in the Agenda.
A spokesman for Apperknowle school asked if the Council will take into consideration the individual needs of children during the consultation process.
Councillor Charles’ response to all of the above is summarized below and follows the same lines as his response to the Open Meeting at the school on 22nd May:
The only evidence that would change the decision to close Combs school is, as stated by Councillor Charles:-
Note 1:
By ‘at the cost’ Councillor Charles obviously means ‘to the detriment’ rather than referring to the actual costs stated per pupil
Note 2:
‘Twice the price’ is misleading – it has already been stated that it costs £3,320 to educate each child at Chapel as against the above quoted county average of ‘£2,600’. The actual cost per child at Combs is £5,447 not £5,700 as stated. Even if you add the current Combs 26 pupils into the 465 published roll for Chapel (from OfSTED 2004), the per pupil cost remains at over £3,000.
Posted at 19:00 2 Comments (Click here to add yours)
Labels: Council Meetings
You'll remember that Chapel-en-le-Frith Parish Council gave their unanimous support to keeping Combs School, Village Hall and Chapel open. This is part of the Council's letter to DCC.
The Parish Council have considered the matter fully and were represented at the public consultation meeting at the School on 22 May 2007.
Members were unanimous in their objection towards the proposed closure of the school. The Parish Council Ward Members have been involved in the life of the School and Village Hall over a considerable number of years, working with the Community and The Village Hall Trust to secure grant funding in 1992/93 through the Peak District National Park Authority and in 1996/97 through ACRE to enable the premises to be extended for the benefit of the School and Village Hall. It was noted that since that time there has been an increase in the number of pupils who live within the Parish boundary attending the School. More recently the Council has worked in partnership with the Village Hall Trust to provide play equipment for the community on adjacent land.
Combs Infants School is an outstanding School, which fulfils a proven need within the Parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith. In addition to this the building is a focal point in the community as the Village Hall and Methodist Church. The Village Hall Trust is active within the community and the loss of income that would result if the School were to close would mean that its viability would be seriously compromised along with the provision of a place of worship. The culmination of all this would have a negative effect on Village life.
In rural communities it is important that there is place where the community can come together and the joint use of the building by the School, Village Hall and Church reaches out to the community as a whole, with their viability and long term survival being inter dependant on each other. The delivery by the Countryside Agency of the Rural White Paper underlined this point and initiatives such as the Combs model of joint use of a building were championed and funded. It is felt that Derbyshire County Council has a duty of care to the community as a whole, of which the provision of a School in the community is a part.
For these reasons the Parish Council wishes to lodge a strong objection towards the proposed closure of Combs Infants School.
Posted at 20:46 0 Comments (Click here to add yours)
Labels: Letters sent to DCC, Local Politics
See this post for the answer to Tom Levitt's written Parliamentary question.
Posted at 08:29 0 Comments (Click here to add yours)
Labels: National Politics
Contact information for all the relevant political contacts is in this post.
If you want to oppose the closure of Combs School, you should write to Derbyshire County Council.
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