It Could Be Stopped Now
Since the consultation began, DCC has become aware of additional and more accurate information. More than one politician who has looked at the matter has concluded, contrary to DCC's proposal, that Combs School, Village Hall and Chapel should stay open.On June 13, representatives* of the campaign will go to the Council meeting in Matlock, and ask the following question of Alan Charles (pictured right):
"Since the consultation process began in May, we have sought to explain the strong community support for the School, Village Hall and Chapel. We have shown in meetings with the Council and others, to be supported by the submissions that we will make to Council, that the objectives of the Council to reduce surplus school places and improve educational standards will not be achieved by the Council's proposal. Has this strong evidence and support for the continuance of Combs School, Village Hall and Chapel already persuaded the Council that the proposal for closure should be set aside?"
We believe that Councillor Charles was misinformed when he said, at the consultation meeting, that he wasn't able to halt the process now. Section 4.69 of the DfES guide to LAs ("Closing a Maintained Mainstream School") says "Proposals may be withdrawn at any point before a decision is taken". The DCC meeting will be the opportunity for Councillor Charles to join with the other politicians who've already expressed their views on this web site.
*If you're able to go to Matlock to support him, please let Mike Evanson know.