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Sunday 3 June 2007

Combs Community Group

The following is an edited version of a letter sent to DCC on behalf of Combs Community Group.

I am writing on behalf of members of the ‘Combs Community Group’ as we are extremely anxious to partake in a full and meaningful way in the DCC consultation, following our members attendance at the public meeting held in Combs on 22nd of May.

We use the Village Hall on a monthly basis, providing a programme of lectures, talks, demonstrations, organised visits, and social events for our membership. Our group also acts as a sounding board, identifying problems and issues affecting Combs village, individuals, groups and our environment. We provide a social platform for new villagers to find companionship or support and act as a local information signpost point.

Our survival depends on a constantly refreshed programme, speakers and events, and given the rising cost of speakers, our ability to develop and offer such a programme has only been possible through dedicated members and the close partnership with the Combs Village Hall Trust, with its strategy of supporting small village groups by supplying affordable facilities.

Our membership predominantly resides within the Combs Valley and Cockyard, and the Hall is the natural centre for our activities, as there is no other such socially inclusive group or equivalent facilities existing within the area.

Given this background, and the integrated nature of the operation of the ‘Combs Community Facilities’, we consider there would be damaging effects from the proposed closure on the rural community.

We respectfully request that the closure proposal be dropped, as we (in Combs and High Peak) would lose a school which is a proven model of educational excellence, and potentially also lose a well used and greatly appreciated community facility.

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