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Friday 8 June 2007

Let's Kick this Closure into Touch!

Yet another example of the 'added value' that is Combs Infant School, as mentioned in their 'outstanding' OfSTED report - two football coaches from Derby County Football club are at the school this morning teaching the children how to kick!

First off, though, after some initial warming up, the coaches asked the children: "Who is the only person in the football team who's allowed to touch the football?" Hands were enthusiastically stuck up. "Yes, the goalie".

Catching and bouncing skills were duly entered into with the warning, "But don't throw your ball into the wildlife garden!"

If ever there was a multi-faceted learning environment, it is Combs Infants - and much of that goes down to the leadership skills of the Head Teacher.

Indeed, this is the first day that the school is without Avis Curry until her return in September. She is boarding a plane today to take her to Rwanda to carry out her mentoring role to teachers over there for three months. The school is left in the more than capable hands of Mrs Irwin, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Whittaker, Mrs Smith and student assistant Charlotte.

As the new pupils, due to start in Reception in September, today begin their Friday initiation sessions into the vibrant life of this remarkable little school - is this not the time to shout 'LET'S KICK THIS CLOSURE INTO TOUCH!'?

We want the school to be there for many more children in the years to come, to enjoy and benefit in their future lives from the marvellous start they get at this resoundingly HAPPY village school - just as many generations have done before them.

It's not just the school that has heart, it's the heart of the village. Let's keep it that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's criminal to close these village schools. How dare they even think about it. I'm with you on this one!