Consultation Meeting - 22 May
Representatives of Derbyshire County Council came to Combs today. After meeting with the school staff and the governors during the afternoon, a public meeting was held in the school playground.
More than 200 people came to the meeting - significantly more people than live in the village.
Alan Charles from DCC explained why the Council believes the school should be closed.
Some of the governors gave a prepared response to the Council's consultation document, and then Mike Evanson (Chairman of the Trustees of Combs Village Hall Trust) explained the long history of support for the school from the community.
The DCC representatives then answered questions, and listened to objections, from school governors, villagers and local politicians.
The sun disappeared behind Ladder Hill, and after two and a half hours, the meeting ended in the chilly dusk. The discussion continued in the pub of course...
More photos in this slideshow.
These documents were used in the presentation to the DCC representatives:
Combs Village Hall Trust presentation (1Mb Powerpoint file)
Consultation Meeting Presentation (5Mb Powerpoint file)